"There was no one near to confuse me, so I was forced to become an original"
Joseph Haydn
Wearable Technology
My Work Showcase
In this project I am creating a Smart House for a woman called Glynn, she is a recently Blind Lady who is used to her independence and feels like she has lost it.
I am creating a Smart House Tailored to her specific needs with a team of Interiors, Products, Technicians, Engineers and Graphics to build a home to give her, her independence back!
Using the new and improved technology of Samsung SmartThings in order to create and give her a new future, something to look forward to, to be herself again.
A lot of Disabled Individuals always get looked over, most live in poverty within the UK not all can afford to have these updates especially council tenants - so we are teaming up with Council in certain areas to give to the individuals who need it.
The council will help in installation in the last month or so - but teaming up with them will gain in a new partner for future projects for future smart houses.

Online Shopping for Older Generation
My Work Showcase
During this project I gained into a lot of insight for this
1 - a lot of Individuals over 65 do use technology but not all
2 - most do not use due to health issues, disability or the simple fact of not understanding it
I saw an opportunity for something for those who cannot easily use a computer to persuade them, to get them to join in with technology.
Working with Ocado, I created a service where you can speak to your computer - telling the website what you want, when you want delivery and if you are paying cash or card. Feeling quite similar when you look around but you just say the "item" and it will appear and you say which product you will prefer. I understand this will not work for all individuals out there - but it is a starting point.
Holo-Port : C-ART Project Group
For my first group project at masters we got given certain themes and we were to create a cart for #coventrycityofculture2021
My group chose 'look to the future'
We decided this would be best as this gives us a lot of options into the near future with current technology and events going on and to link in with Coventry.
We had thought in our cart to move from one place to another in Coventry and expand to it can let a couple more individuals in it!
Outside they are given a map of coventry and when they go in they group in clicks on the tablet to create their story how to travel from one location to another within coventry - with futuristic transport/ near future cars or the simply version of walking or flying cars for children to make it entertaining and then a hologram will appear to show their animation they created!
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Holo-Port : C-ART Project Group

“Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it.”
Salvador Dali
Final Major Project - Book Hotel
In my Project I created I am very interested in Fantasy and Reality when you go away to Disney, Madonna Inn, Dog House and etc...they are all hotels to get away and pretend you are in a disney movie, Madonna's music videos and etc...I lot of research went into this and I chose to create it from books...specifically Cathy Cassidy Author - ...each rooms floor was something related to a theme in her book ...so Shades of Blue, is underlining with Domestic Violence, Chocolate Crush - more related to family issues when a Dad or Mum gets a new Partner and having to open up to new Children, Seaside relating to in Brighton when a kid needs to stand on his own two feet to stand up for himself.
In doing this, I created something different something new, imagination from words from a page into a building. Something that will be something different.
COIL - Venice
My Work Showcase
During this project in teams - we had to find a location in Venice and build something a little comfortable. For one families and more to build and create memories together.
We went through different stages of having something big and a statement for their culture, but then looking into more in depth we realized it is more a small and intimate culture, just the little things.
So we decided to create a bridge but not like a normal bridge - a bridge that could be split in half one belonging to one family and one the other - when together it can join the families into sharing food, memories, play dates really anything.
This worked a lot better and it could be in multiple locations within Venice.

Past, Present and Future Exhibition
My Work Show Case
During this project, I created an Exhibition at Drapers Hall in Coventry - to look into the past, present and future. As I actually quite like the unknown, the uncertainty.
I looked into the past - all the history from prehistoric -1950's ....this is all our history that makes most of us who we are. This is the first part of the exhibition, looking into what happened, how they started to how they became.
Present - looking into this I would say Technology, Science and Politics is something that is all known. It is getting bigger and bigger I looked into all of this and more facts.
Future - Future was a lot harder as everyone has aspects of what will become of us ...but no one really knows for sure what is going to happen.
However I looked into a Brilliant Man the late Stephen Hawkings he said in an article "Everyone could be living on Mars or Ships by 2030!" Now I don't think this would honestly happen or at least not by 2030, but in the last part of the Exhibition I created a simulation so that everyone can create their own future whether if it is something ridiculous, funny or something you will believe what will happen.

"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison

A Visual Storyteller
In this myself and Yiannis created a sculpture in an unpopular place within Coventry. Make it look better, attention.
In the area we had chosen there was a lot of tree's - we created an outline of a tree that looked similar to mushrooms and trees. However we liked the way it was unusual, to blend but not to blend within the tree's around. Something to get consumers attention.
We stuck with this illusion and decided to go with Silver Metallic, Stainless Steel so it will be bright and catches attention, and also be completely different on what is inside.
On the inside it has OLED Lighting, we chose this because it is better for the environment and also you can make the material in any shape or form above. And we wanted to create something more unusual.
As soon as we realized this we looked into the senses - we went with "touch" "sight" "Hear" because we thought you have engravings on the wall, and humans are a curious race - if they touch it sound will come off it and the OLED lighting changes above, while the outside not showing any of this being a silver cocoon. Making the ground more softer has a seating area in the middle but it is all Grass, Fake Grass comfortable to sit on - to use to walk around and sit whether that is on the floor or on the seating area.

Symmetry & Gradation
My Work ShowCase
In this project in a short span of time within a group. We had to create a product, statue, whatever we wanted within this specific words we were given.
With our words symmetry and gradation we chose to be a big box, boxes within a box ...so there was 16 small boxes to create a big box! And within these boxes we all did different versions of Gradation.
Because I am strong at painting, I chose painting Gradation. In 2 boxes I used blue tones, different shades of blue one where it was a blocks of different shades of blue and one more like an ombre.
The two other boxes were like fire colors, one with red at the bottom going into a yellow/white tone. Flipped doing it diagonally in the 4th box with fire tones making it wider more stretch to it.
The other boxes one was using - Light, Mirrors and 3D Modelling with others.

The MUJI Hotel
My Work Show Case
During this project I got given 2 words - MUJI the company which is a minimalism IKEA.
And the Interiors Industry I was given was Hospitality.
For this I looked into my options, what that would include, what would MUJI be about how to link MUJI in within Hospitality.
I chose to do a Hotel because Hotels could have a mixture of everything within one as it is a furniture based shop MUJI - I also looked in and MUJI is very into Nature, relaxation, calming tones - which made me think about SPA's - to persuade get everyone excited. Something new and bold for them.
I created a MUJI SPA HOTEL - Areas linking in with Spa's has there was 5 floors, rooms for couples, individuals, girls weekend.

"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"
Thomas Edison

Micro - Apartment
Persona - Alice
In this project as starting in Interiors we had to see how we did within small spaces it is quite high but very narrow.
Alice is a sous-chef, who likes to ride her bike to and from work. She likes to socialize with her friends when she can.
In this I added a couple of floors as it could go up on the top floor it was just her bedroom needing the bare essentials in their as height's it doesn't always go this way. Just a small area with her bed and wardrobe and dressing table. With a balcony looking over her kitchen on the second floor. Going down the stairs into the kitchen, will have fresh herbs, fresh food working in a kitchen, little seating bar areas for her friends when they socialize but underneath the kitchen will be storage for her bike. Just a couple of steps down into the lounge area, with just the basics, but storage fitted walls, so more can go down here and chill as well as get her bike from underneath and then leave when she needs to go out.
The Kitchen/Lounge were sort of linked in together but looked separate.
I chose the colours more suited, more soft blues and whites with bold areas of Grey as these were the colours she had chosen. Which helped with the style in that it could all follow through be from one room to another. I also added soft Greens in their with plants and hints of soft pink as this wouldn't feel to feminine, but enough.

My Work Showcase
In this as team we created a pop-up store within Coventry. As Coventry is a very international city and students everywhere. We decided on a pop-up bar when every student whether that was freshers, second or third or even masters could go and socialize. We chose this at Fargo Village because this is a very populated area for students, and their is a little warehouse area not in use and it could fit within there and bring students in and also to look at the other shops around.
We chose this to look more indutrial look, the feel the style because it matched with what we thought and going through being students are selves going through a dark gloomy, but bold making a statement place.
LED Lighting
These were a few of our keywords to build on our work. Inspirations from the Movie Coyote Ugly, Bars in general in America.